How To Choose The Right Concealer For You 29 October, 2020 20 years ago when you went to a makeup counter to find a concealer, there was one formula with maybe 3 shades to choose from. That was frustrating to me...
A Guide To Makeup Brushes 15 October, 2020 This article has been featured in Porch's Beauty Room Q&A: Advice From The Experts! Check out their full article here. We’ve been around a long time, so we hope we...
Zoom Beauty 14 October, 2020 ZOOM BEAUTY - Worth it, or not? I’m in the business, so of course I say yes! But I also say do what makes you happy. Even in the Before...
Color Correcting 101 23 September, 2020 Do you think you need a color corrector? For the majority of you, our concealers will do the trick. Our concealers are super concentrated and loaded with color correcting pigments...
Being An Entrepreneur 09 September, 2020 Lisa and I absolutely love to mentor. We have had many phone calls and meetings with young, and not so young, aspiring entrepreneurs thinking about starting a company and how...
Behind The Scenes 08 September, 2020 Behind the Scenes – the not so sexy part of the beauty business is the key to optimal customer satisfaction. How the supply chain works - Launching a cool new...
Why We Love Complexion Products 26 August, 2020 It all started 20 years ago with the AMAZINGCONCEALER, our iconic hero which retains that title even still. In a world saturated with consumer goods and new products popping up...
Working From Home 24 August, 2020 I’m like millions of others who’ve been working from home these last several months. It’s been weird to say the least to not arrive at my office each day, see...
Beauty Business in China 20 August, 2020 There’s a lot of broad-brush stroking that happens on the Internet, which can be dangerous as often mis-truths arise from much of the content we all come across. One example...
Mother's Day Gift Guide 04 May, 2020 Every mom deserves the best. So, we curated a beautiful blend of AMAZINGCOSMETICS color cosmetics and MD Complete professional skincare, perfect for Mother’s Day! Best Glow For radiant, glowing skin that looks...
Why We Love Makeup Artists 03 April, 2020 Why we love Makeup Artists Twenty years ago, we attended a trade show in LA and met Chantal Cloutier who owned a top agency representing makeup artists and hair stylists....
Amazing Recipes 27 March, 2020 Hello AMAZING fans! We’re practicing safe social distancing and probably like a lot of you that means spending a ton of time at home. So, we thought it would be...