We love to throw a good party, and what better reason than to celebrate our newest and most AMAZING product... the one and only Line Smoother + Primer!
Last week, at our very own Studio, we did just that. Makeup and mingling and more! Old friends and new friends all gathered under one roof to toast the game-changing, hybrid newness from the brand.
The Amazingland Line Smoother + Primer short film played as well as rockin music. We had a photo booth going, giveaways, and a fabulous pink candy bar, and let us not forget the all-important Prosecco on ice! Take a look at some images from the party...
The lovely women from our consumer trial attended the party as well, and of course they looked spectacular! Their Before & After images are quite impressive, and we can't wait to show them to you. Please keep a look out for those pictures as they will be posted very soon right here on our website!
Thanks once again to all who were able to join us last week. We love sharing not only our good fortunes with our friends but our newest products as well. Please keep checking back for updates on future events and shindigs at the Studio. All are welcome!
